This morning, I already had a Bible Study related blog post planned out...but I've decided to drop that, at least for the time being, and just go with the flow.
So this morning...I was doing my Bible Study and found myself in Matthew 4. While I was roaming around in good ol' chapter 4, I ran into that story that I know by heart, the one where Simon Peter, Andrew, James, and John run into Jesus when they're out on the waves, doing their jobs...and at the simplest invitation from Jesus these dudes are like "Forget this gig...I'm going to go fish for people instead!"
In case anyone is unfamiliar with this story...or has read my paraphrased version and is left's the NLT version.
Matthew 4
18 One day as Jesus was walking along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers—Simon, also called Peter, and Andrew—throwing a net into the water, for they fished for a living. 19 Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!” 20 And they left their nets at once and followed him.
21 A little farther up the shore he saw two other brothers, James and John, sitting in a boat with their father, Zebedee, repairing their nets. And he called them to come, too.22 They immediately followed him, leaving the boat and their father behind.
So that's the deal with the first disciples. In the present...when we read this...or at least when I read this...I think: "well, duh! It's Jesus! I mean, yeah, they're leaving everything that they know, everything that they've worked for, and everyone that they love...but...IT'S JESUS! Who would turn down a personal invitation from the Son of God?!"
Anyway, for those of you who know me...when I say something like..."I think," and then there's a quote following...there's a lot more to it, but seriously, who wants to read absolutely EVERYTHING that I think? I know I don't.
Anyway...yes looking back, it seems obvious that the right thing for them to do is just drop their nets and go.
I apologize...this is a scattered blog post.
But it's not just about dropping our nets, now is it? No. There's more to it. It's kind of like the "Bend and Snap" maneuver from
Legally Blonde. ( it's not really like that at all...but when you can tie in a really goofy movie...not to mention a really goofy movie that was turned into a guilty pleasure can you pass it up?) dropping our nets is like the "Bend and Snap" (oooh, I'm making another connection, prepare yourselves). Ir's a process with steps.
1. Drop your Nets.
2. Take those newly empty/unoccupied hands and grab on to Jesus.
Side note...this is kind of where the next connection came from. So when I was reading this passage, I thought of the following song.
...and the words really hit me.
If You say go, we will go
If You say wait, we will wait
If You say step out on the water
And they say it can't be done
We'll fix our eyes on You and we will come
Your ways are higher than our ways
And the plans that You have laid
Are good and true
If You call us to the fire
You will not withdraw Your hand
We'll gaze into the flames and look for You
When I was younger...I did my own personal net dropping. I had plans for my life. My initial plans were I came up with new ones. But then I felt Jesus telling me to drop those nets. And I did. I dropped my plans, grabbed onto Jesus, and basically told him that I was along for the ride and He could take me wherever He saw fit.
But then I found myself in Indianapolis. And at times...more often than not...I was very unhappy. I think that I frequently felt abandoned. I wondered why, when I had given up my former plans to follow the plans that God had for me...when I moved 160 miles away from everyone that I knew and loved...I wondered why I wasn't getting it. Why would God lead me away and then step out of the picture? I had plans already...and knew how to achieve them. These were not my plans...these were His plans...and how was I supposed to figure out what they were and how to fulfill them on my own?!
Ah yes...there is the key..."on my own." I was playing the role of Eponine in my own life...(if you don't know Les Miserables...get the soundtrack from the library and listen to it...or youtube it I guess...but you should really hear the whole thing)...singing the song "On My Own" with every breath that I breathed and every step that I took.
I felt alone...but I was never alone.
I thought I was suffering for God...but in reality...I was suffering by my own hand.
I dropped my nets, grabbed onto Jesus, felt alone, and slowly but surely loosened my grip on the Lord. It was, of course, not God who stepped was me. I didn't gaze into the flames and look for the Lord...I saw the flames, remembered how "certain" things seemed for me before God lit His fire in my heart...and I felt as if I were alone in a burning house.
I have come to the conclusion that this is more like "Wash, Rinse, and Repeat."
1. Drop your nets.
2. Grap onto Jesus.
4. Repeat.
Maybe it's inevitable that we will continue to pick up new nets along the way...but each net that we grab on to takes up space and time. It's good to know though, that if we've dropped our nets before, we can always do it again.
I think that I always looked at my net dropping as the end of a story.
"Well here's what I wanted to do...but I gave it up for God...The End."
Pretty backwards.
It's a beginning...just like it was for the Disciples.
"I had plans. Human plans. Unenlightened plans. Then I dropped them, as they were no longer needed, and followed Jesus Christ. I dropped my nets...and I picked up my life."
That's all for now, guys. Peace, Love and Happiness!