If you weren't already aware of their amazingness...you'll get no judgement from me. I am not here to judge you but to educate you. Ignorance isn't always the fault of the individual. (But if you have read this far already, you no longer have any excuse for any further naivete on your part, at least when it comes to the subject of Hanson and their awesomeness.)
I will even grant you this...you may have heard Hanson before (who hasn't? Except for those people that have been living under rocks that are being exploited by the new Geiko commercial) and thought that you didn't like them. A poor life choice? I'm gonna go with "probably yes." But we all make those every once in a while. I, myself, had salt and vinegar potato chips and Sour Patch Kids for breakfast. Yes...I do have a fault or two...but I try to keep them under wraps for the most part so as not to alarm the lot of you. (It should be noted that I was too weak to cook anything and those two regrettable items were out on the coffee table. So at least I have an excuse for eating them...buying them? No.)
Anyway, here's your chance to understand the truth: Hanson is great. I would go into all of the reasons...but I honestly haven't the time to do so right now. So if you're going to sit around and be a pouting doubting Thomas, then you can just go listen to the JoBros and live in the darkness of musical unawareness.
So here's the deal, when I was home at my parents' house for part of Spring Break, I grabbed some of my old CDs to put them back into my iTunes library (after having lost my music). When doing a Google Image search for the album art for 3 Car Garage, the album cover did not show up until the sixth page of results. This is a sad day. It's kind of a rare record, I know. But still. It was the first CD I ever bought myself (my first CD ever was Abbey Road). It's a great CD. The world needs to know about it.
Soldier has always been one of my favorite songs from 3 Car Garage and from all of Hanson's songs in general. The brothers wrote and composed the song (as they did with all of the songs on 3 Car Garage) and it is just sublime. 3 Car Garage was made from 1995-1996, starting two years before their first major label album release, Middle of Nowhere. The video that I have for you is not the original recording of the song but a revisitation of the song from a recording of their Albertane Tour, so it's naturally in a different key because they had aged.
There you have it. Awesome. Now, back to being productive (and not eating chips and candy).
Stay Classy,