
15 August 2011

Sunny Day Sweepin' the Clouds Away (Intentionally Ironic Title)


  1. I heart you.

    We need to make Chicken Packets and watch Christmas movies.

    The end.

  2. Everyone goes through this multiple times no matter their age. You are doing wonderful with your life :0) You have your own apartment, an awesome (sometimes bitchy) dog, an internship/job with the Phoenix Theatre, and you are/have graduated from a prestigious school! You are rocking it! I love you<3

  3. @Beck - I heart you too. Chicken Packets and Christmas movies definitely need to be on the docket for next time.

    @Hannah - You are amazing. Thanks for loving me and reminding me that I don't always screw every single thing up. I guess we all need that reminder sometimes.

    @Sister - I love you.
