
28 February 2010


Hello, out there!  I know I just posted yesterday about my brother...but then last night I came across some exciting new stuff on the web from some dear friends of mine.  If you're reading this post right now, please do yourself the favor of taking a little bit of time out of your day and looking into paperStrangers Performance Group!

I got an invitation from my pal Mikey, one of the two artistic directors of the company (the other being my other good friend Tommy), a while back to look at their stuff on Facebook.  I've been kind of out of it lately with being a bit I inadvertently put checking out the new developments of paperStrangersPG on the back burner.  Last night, however, I randomly remembered Mikey's earlier invitation and did some searching.  Much like I have always been amazed at paperStrangers performances...I was amazed at the website itself.  Websites are so common these days that they sometimes just seem to be cyber scrap paper...but not this one.  This website is a piece of art in much so that for a while I found myself just staring at it and taking it in.  If that sounds weird to you...stop reading what I have to say about it and just go look at it yourself.

As an acting/design student at Butler University Theatre, some of my most treasured experiences and memories have come from watching the development and growth of paperStrangers, and once even performing as a part of the group myself!

Out of the thirteen inspired and focused productions on the past productions page of the website, I have seen eight of them and performed in one (WhatWhere).  WhatWhere was one of the most challenging and rewarding acting experiences I have had to date and one that I will certainly never forget.

Upcoming for paperStrangersPG is The Women of Troy, by Euripides.  Michael has adapted this piece and is directing several of my friends in it.  It will take place at the Irving Theater in Indianapolis, Thursday through Saturday, April 8th, 9th, and 10th at 8pm.  Please go check this out if you are at all able.  Tickets are just $10 at the door!

Also coming soon for paperStrangersPG, my best friend, Melissa Fenton, will be touring in Medea, playing the title role.  This will be Michael's third incarnation of his brilliant adaptation of this astonishing play.

Enough jabber from me.  Check these guys out for yourself.  You'll be glad that you did.

paperStrangersPG official website
paperStrangersPG blog
follow paperStrangersPG on facebook
follow paperStrangersPG on twitter

Peace out,

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